Cloud Service Marketing Website


Website design for cloud service platform was launched to introduce this new service to public in 2022.

The Team

2 Designers, 1 Product Owner, 1 Business Analyst, 4+ Developers and 2 Marketing Executives

My Role

I designed all aspects of ASL marketplace official website end-to-end from the initial wireframing through to a high-fidelity interface design. Within the agile team, I defined use cases, and started design work with the involvement of product owner and team members.


June 2022 - Nov 2022

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About ASL Marketplace

ASL Marketplace is a one-stop cloud service platform that enables enterprises to quickly deploy business solutions.

Marketplace platform serves three main functions:
(1) Enable customer participation through the online service market.
(2) Offer scheduled video sessions and demo labs.
(3) Provide innovative business service models, allowing IT services to be charged on demand.

Key Challenges

Limited Market Visibility 🔍

  • ASL Marketplace faced the issue of being relatively unknown in the market, which hindered its ability to attract a wider customer base.

Low Customer Engagement 👥

  • The existing customer engagement on the platform was suboptimal, requiring improvements in user experience and interaction.

Revenue Growth 📈

  • The ultimate challenge was to generate increased service revenue for the business. Achieving this required a well-thought-out marketing strategy that could convert website visitors into paying customers.

How might we
drive revenue growth by effectively converting website visitors into paying customers through a results-driven strategy that highlights the benefits of ASL Marketplace's services?

Jump to Solution


The 6-month Agile journey helps building the product.

In the project, Agile team was built in term of self-organization and collaboration. The team consisted of the Product Owner, the product owner, the business analyst, development team, design team and marketing team. This project duties included research, ideation, and documentation of design guidelines.

Refine requirement

Kick-off Meeting

First things first, it took us a few meetings with the key stakeholders in business to understand brand vision, overall goals and challenges. Documenting insights was important as this became a source of truth which will inform the decision-making process and foster team alignment. Their perspective on the following was collected:


business needs, requirements, goals...


context, competitors, best practices...

Competitive Analysis

A competitive analysis provided strategic insights into the features, functions, flows, and feelings evoked by the design solutions of competitors. By understanding these facets of competitors’ products, we could strategically design solution with the goal of making a user-friendly product and experience.

Content of Competitive Analysis is intentionally hidden due to NDA constraints. I am more than willing to elaborate on the details during an interview.

Overall strength ✅

  • User-Centric Design:
    Companies like HKBN and HKT excel in user-centric design, offering intuitive navigation and engaging user experiences that facilitate seamless access to services.
  • Engaging Multimedia Content:
    Examples from JOS and PCCW showcase engaging multimedia content, such as videos and interactive elements, enhancing user engagement and conveying value effectively.
  • Interactive Features:
    HCL and DXC incorporate interactive features, such as live chat support and personalized recommendations, fostering user interaction and satisfaction.

Overall weakness ❌

  • Complex Navigation:
    In some instances, websites exhibited complex navigation structures that may hinder user exploration and lead to drop-offs, as observed in the case of HKT.
  • Content Overload:
    While multimedia content is a strength, a few websites tend to overwhelm users with excessive information, potentially causing decision fatigue, as seen in some examples from JOS and Atos.

Insights from Competitive Analysis

01 Task flow

Took reference of how long the task take, the level of ease, clarity, convenience in website

02  Specific features

Explored what features were existed on site to introduce company service.

03 Visual Elements

Learnt about the visual trend of other information technology companies were adopting.


Site Architecture

To provide users with an enjoyable experience on the website, it was important to anticipate their needs to provide relevant information on each step. Therefore, different user types and their journeys informed the site architecture.

Based on this, it was possible to simplify user-flows between pages by removing unnecessary pages, merging existing and adding new when needed.

Main Page

Visualized ASL Marketplace service through interaction design

Based on the brand identity, business goals and user problems, the website introduced and promoted ASL Marketplace service platform. Built in collaboration with designers and front-end developers, the website design shows customers the characteristics of the platform.


Used intuitive images to provide a clear understanding of features

By navigating the simple and intuitive graphics and the concise words, the users can instantly find the key features for searching, writing medical cases, and networking with them.


Request to service

Win cases

Contact us

Responsive Web Optimization

Used intuitive images to provide a clear understanding of features

Based on the minimum and most frequently used size, we designed a responsive web-optimized design for each breakpoint of Desktop Horizontal Screen (1440px), Tablet (768px), and Mobile (360px).

Summary & Retrospective

Thanks to the dedicated efforts of our team, the ASL Marketing website was successfully launched in 2022, delivering significant results in both the business and marketing domains upon its launch.

Measuring Success and Impact

⬆️ 20%

Increased User Growth Rate

The ASL Marketing Website project's 20% increase in user growth directly led to revenue growth. More users became subscribers, contributing to increased revenue. This highlights the project's success in converting engaged visitors into paying customers, driving both user and financial growth.

⬆️ 60%

Uplift in User Engagement

User engagement saw a remarkable 60% increase, indicating that our strategies effectively captured and retained user interest, resulting in more active and involved users.

✅ 97%

High User Satisfaction

An outstanding 97% user satisfaction rate reflects our commitment to delivering a seamless and satisfying user experience, reinforcing ASL Marketplace's reputation for exceptional user service and contentment.

Future Improvements

A/B Testing and Iteration

I will conduct ongoing A/B tests to optimize the website, refining elements like CTA buttons and content layouts based on user behavior. This iterative approach ensures a user-centric experience, improving conversion rates and user satisfaction while staying responsive to changing preferences.

Content Strategy Expansion

Our team is expanding our content strategy to include diverse content types, from blogs to videos, enriching user engagement and bolstering SEO efforts. A content calendar will ensure regular updates tailored to evolving user interests and needs.

Feedback Loop

I will maintain active feedback channels for users, stakeholders, and team members. These loops will drive data-driven decision-making, enhance user satisfaction, and foster a user-centric approach, with transparent communication on actions taken in response to feedback.

More Project

Enterprise Mobile Application

UX Research & Design, Visual Design, End-To-End

Service Management Platform

Visual Design, Interaction Design, Design Systems