In an era characterized by digitalization, the Hong Kong government recognized the need to provide convenient solutions for proof verification to the public. The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) embarked on a project to develop a mobile application with two primary objectives:
1. Enable the public to securely store licenses and certificates issued by the Hong Kong government.
2. Empower validators and verifiers to efficiently process these documents within the same mobile application, thereby enhancing workflow efficiency.
Solo designer, 1 Project Manager, 1 System Analyst, 1 Business Analyst, 2+ Developers
As the sole designer, I was responsible for crafting a winning design proposal that covered both UX and UI strategies. I collaborated effectively with the Project Manager and Business Analyst for sprint planning and project alignment. Working closely with System Analyst, and developers, I ensured a seamless implementation by understanding technical constraints. I also led weekly design reviews with customers and stakeholders, incorporating their feedback for continuous improvement.
Nov 2022 - Apr 2023
In our daily lives, individuals often hold various licenses, certificates, and permits issued by the government. These documents can range from driver's licenses and extend to businesses such as restaurants that require licenses like food manufacturing and fire permits to operate legally. Currently, individuals are required to carry physical copies of these licenses for verification purposes. Recognizing the need for a more convenient and efficient verification process, as well as the desire to enable the public to travel without cumbersome physical documents, the government decided to develop a mobile application to address these challenges.
In November 2022, I initiated the project in collaboration with the Project Manager and Business Analyst. Drawing inspiration from mobile wallet applications, I introduced the concept of a digital wallet and proposed an overall design concept along with interface designs. The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) was impressed with the idea of a digital wallet and the cohesive interface design that perfectly aligned with the project's objectives. With collective effort from my colleagues, our company secured the winning bid, resulting in significant revenue growth.
In Feburary 2023, we embarked on comprehensive user research to guide user-focused development and enhancement efforts, ensuring that the app would truly meet the needs and expectations of its users.
For licensee:
There is a need for a more efficient and accessible method to manage their licenses, which are essential for verification purposes.
For Verifiers:
There is a demand for simplifying and optimizing the verification process, making it more efficient and user-friendly for validating licenses and certificates.
While the design proposal has laid the foundation for the project's design style and key features, I took proactive steps to comprehensively understand the project's background, purpose, and challenges. This involved conducting one-on-one interviews with both the Project Manager and System Analyst, carefully reviewing meeting documents prepared for the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO).
Project Manager
Sample Question
System Analyst
Sample Question
Sample Question
How might we optimize the verification journey to benefit both licensees and verifiers?
In collaboration with OGCIO, we conducted interviews with 22 users and received 105 responses on surveys to gather feedback. To guide our research efforts, I established the following research goals:
Personal Licensees
Organizational Licensees
Current Process
Explore into understanding the current license verification process, including how users manage their licenses and any specific licenses or permits they frequently encounter.
Aim to uncover the challenges faced during the verification process, as well as elicit insights into what users considered an ideal workflow for verifying or managing licenses through a mobile app.
Gather suggestions and preferences regarding notifications and reminders to enhance the user experience.
Aim to validate existing personas and discover any additional personas that might not have been initially considered.
Video / In person
22 participants interviewed
23 - 55 years old
Education level
Post secondary: 16 people
Secondary: 4 people
Primary: 2 people
✏️ Long validation time
Verifiers often face long wait times to verify the authenticity of licenses, especially when not in an office environment. They may need to contact relevant departments to confirm the license, lacking a direct and efficient verification method.
🔎 Inefficient search experience
Users encounter difficulty in tracking and updating the status of their licenses. Determining whether a license has expired or been revoked is inconvenient, leading to a nonuser-friendly user experience.
⚠️ Security and Risk
Relying on physical licenses for authentication raised security concerns and associated risks. Physical licenses can be lost, stolen, or counterfeited, potentially resulting in identity theft or fraudulent activities
🤔 Unclear license status
Users found it inconvenient to monitor and update license statuses, including checking for expiration or revocation. The lack of clarity made tracking and managing license-related information challenging.
✅ 90%
High Task Success Rate:
Users consistently achieved task completion with a success rate exceeding 90%. This indicates that the prototype effectively supports users in accomplishing their objectives.
⬆️ 60%
Short Task Completion Times:
Users completed tasks swiftly, with an average task completion time of 2.2 minutes, significantly outperforming the original procedure by 60%. This highlights the efficiency of the user interface.
✅ 93%
Positive Usability Scale Ratings:
The prototype received an average usability scale score of 93 out of 100, indicating a high level of usability and user satisfaction.
Given that the e-Proof mobile application caters to the public sector, our user base is diverse. I needed to maintain seamless communication with both OGCIO and our cross-functional team to ensure the effectiveness of our user research and design solutions.
Operating under stringent time constraints, we adopted an agile approach to design a comprehensive user journey and user interface within a month of completing the tender proposal.
The license verification process involved complex workflows, necessitating thorough consideration of edge cases. I dedicated effort to designing solutions that could address these complex scenarios effectively.